First post

First post

Never has it occurred to me that I would ever write a blog post. Nevertheless, here I am, writing a blog post. Beginning with the assumption that nobody would likely ever see it, I initially considered the quality of its content irrelevant. Upon further consideration, I realized that someone might see this, thus it should at least be reasonably coherent.

With that being said, my next dilemma was the subject: just what should I write about? Suddenly, it dawned on me that writing about writing a first blog post, or any blog post for that matter, just might be the ticket. After all, who writes about such frivolities? Blog posts are frivolous, are they not? Yet, that is precisely what makes it a potentially intriguing topic. Thus, after much internal debate, I decided that it should at least pass muster with ENG101 scrutiny, sans citations if possible.

Following my usual practice of unloading a raw brain dump, to be later edited judiciously, my thoughts turned to how I might approach the questions surrounding creation of a blog post. There are of course the usual questions of what to write about, and how to organize and present it. However a couple of other, gnawing questions burned inside: why bother? And just what do I want to say? Answering the former question is easy, as the goal was originally learning how to code themes and plugins for WordPress, in hopes of securing gainful employment. Answering the former question was easy, the latter not so much.

To be sure, contemplating a first blog post can lead to brief fantasies of becoming a famous “influencer”, and receiving millions from advertisers seeking access to my enormous audience. Then reality hits home as I look up and around my rinky dink little hovel of an apartment and half dead laptop and lukewarm mug of coffee waiting for me to polish it off, or replace it with a fresh mugful. While I have much to say about numerous topics, with little thought needed, I have little to say about writing a blog post. It’s just not something I’m all that passionate about. Thus I have to actually think about it. Yet here I am, at the end of my fourth paragraph, wondering if I’ve said anything relevant, or even reasonably coherent.

It gives me a deeper appreciation and respect for professional writers, who are required to do this every day. Writers block, infamous and insidious lurks wherever and whenever one is facing a blank page or screen, be it paper, word processor, text editor, or for that matter, the WordPress blog post editor. Now I remember why I’ve embraced the raw brain dump approach. Without it, I’d never be able to write even one sentence.

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